Elena Not; Massimo Zancanaro,The Texture Resolution Module: a General-Purpose Customizable Anaphora Resolutor,1998
Elena Not; Massimo Zancanaro,TRM – Texture Resolution Module – User´s and Programmer´s Manual,1998
Elena Not; D. Petrelli; M. Sarini; Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava; Massimo Zancanaro,Hypernavigation in the Physical Space: Adapting Presentations to the User and to the Situational Context,1998, pp. 33-45
Emanuele Pianta; Elena Not,A Modular Text Planning Architecture for a Multilingual Setting,1997
Elena Not; D. Petrelli; Oliviero Stock; Massimo Zancanaro,Augmented Space: Bringing the Physical Dimension into Play,Flexible Hypertext Workshop: Eight ACM Hypertext Conference [Hypertext '97],1997
Elena Not; D. Petrelli; Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava; Massimo Zancanaro,Person-Oriented Guided Visits in a Physical Museum,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums [ICHIM'97],1997, pp. 162-172
F. Ciravegna; Alberto Lavelli; Nadia Mana; Elena Not; Fabio Pianesi; Massimo Zancanaro,From Requirements to Tools to Applications: A Case Study in Information Extraction in the Financial Domain,1997
Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava; Massimo Zancanaro,User Models in a Natural-Language Dialogue System for Information Access,Proceedings of Workshop Embedding User Models in Intelligent Applications, in conjunction with the UM97: The Sixth International Conference on User Modeling,1997
Massimo Zancanaro; Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava,A Discussion on Augmenting and Executing SharedPlans for Multimodal Communication,Proceedings of the AAAI Fall 1997: Symposium on Communicative Action in Human and Machines,1997, pp. 106-112
Massimo Zancanaro; Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava,Multimodal Dialogue for Information Access: Exploiting Cohesion’ (vecchio titolo: Cohesion in Multimodal Interaction for Information Access,1997, pp. 439-464
Massimo Zancanaro; Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava,Explorations in an Environment for Natural Language Multimodal Information Access,1997
Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava; Massimo Zancanaro,Multimodal Information Exploration,1997, pp. 275-293
Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava; Massimo Zancanaro,Looking at ALFresco from the Standard Reference Model Viewpoint,1997, pp. 631-637
Elena Not,A Computational Model for Generating Referring Expressions in a Multilingual Application Domain,Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics [COLING-96],1996, pp. 848-853
Emanuele Pianta; E. Giorda; Elena Not,Implementation of a Text Structurer for Automatically Generated Multilingual Texts,1996
Elena Not; Massimo Zancanaro,Exploiting the Discourse Structure for Anaphora Generation,Approaches to Discourse Anaphora. Proceedings of the Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium [DAARC 96],1996
Elena Not,Generazione automatica di documenti amministrativi per una comunità multilingue,1996, pp. 65-83
Emanuele Pianta; Elena Not,Designing a Text Planning Architecture for a Multilingual Generation System,1996
Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava; Massimo Zancanaro,Human-Computer Interaction through Natural Language and Hypermedia in AlFresco,1996
Paolo Bresciani; Alberto Lavelli; Bernardo Magnini; D. Petrelli; Oliviero Stock; Carlo Strapparava; Massimo Zancanaro,Il prototipo di TAMIC: una interfaccia mediata per il cittadino basata su linguaggio naturale,Atti del Secondo Workshop del Gruppo di lavoro Interfacce Intelligenti [II'96],1996