1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020 - PROJECT CLOSED

Greemta is an acronym for “GREEn Madrid susTAinability”.
The purpose of Greemta is to enhance, through data, all the urban green heritage of Madrid by
returning its economic and social value through interactive graphics, analyzes and infographics aimed at
being understood by everyone. Greemta’s output is to create greater awareness of the trees (and green)
of the city and to provide tools for anyone to be reused.

Around 20 products were submitted and 8 of them received an award! You can see the products at https://challenge.greemta.eu/  

 and in the following video.



Greemta is a project of Bruno Kessler Foundation promoted by EIT Climate-KIC’s Cross-KIC Sustainable Cities based on the data of the Madrid City Council.